
System dizayn interview ga tayyorgarlik ko'rish uchun 8 haftalik plan(ingliz tilida)

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Week 1️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: Scalability, API Gateway, Load Balancing, Caching, CAP/PACELC theorems, Bloom Filters.

  • Study the basics of scalability and load balancing, including horizontal and vertical scaling, load balancing algorithms, and caching strategies.

Week 2️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: Databases, Data Modeling, Partitioning, Sharding, Replication

  • Study different types of databases, including SQL and NoSQL, and their use cases. Learn about data indexing, sharding, and replication strategies.

Week 3️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: Networking, REST, gRPC, GraphQL, DNS, Proxies, Websockets, Long Poll.

  • Study the basics of computer networking and RESTful architecture, including the HTTP protocol, DNS, Proxies, and Websockets.

Week 4️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: Distributed Systems, Consistency Models, Quorum, Leader/Follower, Merkle Tree, Consistent Hashing.

  • Study the basics of distributed systems, consistency models, and how to ensure fault tolerance in distributed systems.

Week 5️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: APIs, Architectural Design Patterns, and Microservices.

  • Study common design patterns like Publisher-Subscriber, Sharding pattern, Circuit Breaker, and Static Content Hosting. Understand the pros and cons of microservices.

Week 6️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: System Design Practice and Interview Preparation.

  • Practice solving system design problems, both individually and in groups. Prepare for system design interview questions and scenarios.

  • Prepare for designing social media, Facebook Newsfeed, Instagram, Twitter Search, YouTube, Quora, and Stack Overflow.

Week 7️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: More System Design Practice and Interview Preparation

  • Practice solving system design problems: Designing Dropbox, Typeahead Suggestion, API Rate limiting. Messenger.

Week 8️⃣

  • π—§π—Όπ—½π—Άπ—°π˜€: More System Design Practice and Interview Preparation

  • Practice solving system design problems: Designing Web crawler, Yelp or proximity server, Uber, Ticketmaster.


  • To prepare for system design, I highly recommend 'Grokking' courses: link1 and link2

  • System Design Interview Survival Guide (2023): link


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